Warehouse Mobile NZ Prepaid Plans, Phone Deals & SIM Cards 2025 | Unlimited Data, Top up

Learn about Warehouse Mobile’s prepaid data plans, phone options, top-up options, SIM cards, and unlimited internet pack.

Warehouse Mobile NZ Prepaid Data Plan and Promos, Phone, Top up, SIM Cards and Internet Packs

Warehouse Mobile is a mobile service provider in New Zealand. offers simple and flexible prepaid mobile plans. They provide plans for mobile data, calling, and texting in New Zealand and abroad. They also offers affordable phones for their customers.

Tips: Follow the necessary steps to configure your Warehouse Mobile APN settings and enjoy uninterrupted internet connectivity.

Warehouse Prepay Plans

Warehouse Prepay Plans provide a simple and affordable solution that includes Combos, Data Packs, and Talk & Text Packs. You can choose the plan that suits you best.

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Combos are convenient packages that include data, talk minutes, and text allowances in a single plan. They offer the flexibility to manage all your communication needs in one place.

All of the plans below include Unlimited* Text to NZ & Aussie.

DataCallsOther BenefitsPricePurchase
300 MB Rollover data100 Mins to NZ, Aussie & more*Free call Warehouse mobile numbers &
Free voicemail
$9Text ‘Buy 9COMBO’ to 801
1.25 GB
Rollover data
200 Mins to NZ, Aussie & more*Free call Warehouse mobile numbers &
Free voicemail
$15 Text ‘Buy 15COMBO’ to 801
3 GB
Rollover data
Unlimited* Calls to NZ, Aussie & more*Free voicemail$25 Text ‘Buy 25COMBO’ to 801
6 GB
Rollover data
Unlimited* Calls to NZ, Aussie & more*Free voicemail$35 Text ‘Buy 35COMBO’ to 801
15 GB
Rollover data
Unlimited* Calls to NZ, Aussie & more*Free voicemail$45 Text ‘Buy 45COMBO’ to 801
Auto renews every 28 days
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Data packs

Data Packs are ideal for those who use their phones for browsing, streaming, and staying connected online. You can select the data allowance that matches your usage requirements, ensuring you always have enough data.

500MB of NZ Data28 days$4Text ‘Buy 4Data’ to 801
1.25GB of NZ Data28 days$8Text ‘Buy 8Data’ to 801
3GB of NZ Data28 days$15Text ‘Buy 15Data’ to 801
6GB of NZ Data28 days$28Text ‘Buy 28Data’ to 801
15GB of NZ Data28 days$38Text ‘Buy 38Data’ to 801
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Talk & Text packs

Talk & Text Packs focus on providing ample talk minutes and text allowances, making it easy to stay in touch with your loved ones without worrying about running out of credit.

200 min NZ/OZ & more*28 days$4Text ‘Buy 4Talk’ to 801
Unlimited NZ/OZ & texts*28 days$4Text ‘Buy 4Text’ to 801
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Warehouse Phone deals

Warehouse Phone deals offer latest smartphones at affordable prices. You’ll find popular brands and models, including options from Samsung, OPPO, Alcatel, and more in Warehouse Phone deals

Along with the competitive prices, Warehouse Mobile often provides additional benefits such as free data, exclusive offers, or discounted accessories.

Phone ModelOther BenefitsPricePurchase
OPPO A17 64GB5GB Free data when you bring your number$249Buy
Samsung Galaxy A04 32GB5GB Free data when you bring your number$219Buy
Samsung Galaxy A03s 64GB Black5GB Free data when you bring your number$229Buy
Alcatel 1B 2022 Black5GB Free data when you bring your number$179Buy
Alcatel 1 20225GB Free data when you bring your number$119Buy
Samsung Galaxy A03 32GB Red5GB Free data when you bring your number$199Buy
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Warehouse SIM Cards

Warehouse SIM Cards provide a simple and versatile solution. With options like Multi SIM, Combo SIM, and Multi Swap SIM, Warehouse offers a few options for their customers.

SIM NameBenefitsPrice
Multi SIMComes with $5 Credit pre-loaded, Suitable for most devices, Includes Mini-SIM, Micro-SIM and Nano-SIM sizes$5
Combo SIMComes with $15 Combo pre-loaded (1.25Gb/200min/Unlimited txt)*, Suitable for most devices, Includes Mini-SIM, Micro-SIM and Nano-SIM sizes$15
Multi SwapReplace a lost or stolen SIM Card, Suitable for most devices, Includes Mini-SIM, Micro-SIM and Nano-SIM sizes$2
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Top up on Warehouse Mobile

You can add credit to your account online, in the app, instore, or on the phone.

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Top up online

Log in to My Warehouse Mobile and Top up online using an NZ credit card or Visa debit card.

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Top up in the app

Smart phone users can Top up using the Warehouse Mobile App:

Download the Android app here.
Download the iPhone app here.

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Phone Top up

Free call 801 from your Warehouse Mobile and have a credit/debit card or voucher ready.

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Auto Top up

You never have to worry about running out of credit simply set yourself up on My Warehouse Mobile. Register your credit card and decide how much you want to automatically top up each month. Auto top up will let you top up $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $40 or $50 on a specific day every month.

Boom, like clockwork we will top the account up automatically – and all accounts you have set to auto top up. They will also send a text to each account to let them know, and an email to the credit card holder so everyone is kept up to date about their account.

There is a daily limit of $1,500 for monthly auto top ups and a maximum top up of $100 for each member. Only the holder of the registered credit card can change the monthly auto top up settings.

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Top up voucher

Buy a top up voucher in one of our 90+ stores, or from over 8000 locations (wherever you see the big Warehouse Mobile logo).

How long does a Top up last?

Credit has an expiry of 365 days, if you top up again within 365 days any unused credit will extend. Our top ups start from $5.

I hope this article helped you to get your desired info about Warehouse Mobile New Zealand. If you have any more questions, put them in comment box.

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